Why it Matters: Addressing Big Tech Harms in Kenya

While Kenyans have embraced the benefits of social media platforms, there is growing evidence of
big tech harms – like online scams, attacks on women, disinformation on COVID-19, radicalisation
and extremism, hate speech, misogyny and targeting of harmful products. Most of this goes against
the platform’s own terms of service and content moderation policies.
It is time for big tech to be accountable for these harms in Kenya and provide the same level of duty
of care it shows in other markets, just like Europe and the US. Africa deserves the same..


The Council for Responsible Social Media brings together eminent leaders from different sectors of Kenyan society – from CSOs, data and tech, peace and security, governance, business, health and the media – who will lead the conversation on big tech harms in Kenya so that platforms are held accountable. The aim is to minimize online harms and make platforms safer for all.

Statements by Council for Responsible Social Media

Big Tech Harms in Kenya and the Region



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